
Wright’s Feeds ‘N Needs floor-stocks Shur-Gain’s Hog Starter pellets and also make, on-site, hog grower mash feed, keeping bagged product as floor stock when requested.

All feeds are formulated with all the vitamins and nutrients required to grow hogs to their optimum market weight.  We also floor-stock Shur-Gain’s line of pelleted rations of swine feeds for a variety of life stages.

Contact us for pricing or information on bulk swine rations or supplements delivered to your farm.

Below are some articles that may be of interest to Swine Producers:

Nursery and Grow Finish Swine Benchmarking
Corn Distillers Dried Grain in Swine Feed
Corn Steepwater as a Feed Ingredient for Swine
Mycotoxins in Swine


Ontario Pork

Ontario Pork Congress

Canada Pork Council

Better Farming Ontario